12 TRUTHS ABOUT HOW YOU CAN LEAD A BUSY, FULFILLING LIFE. This article is derived from “ 12 Myths That Lead To A Busy, Unfulfilling Life ” by Greg McKeon. Truth: In order to have focus, we need space to focus Myth: “I’m too busy to think about life” Take some time from the routine of checking your e-mails, hanging out with your friends, reading that book you are not enjoying or attending that irrelevant meeting and just get away from everything to get your mind clear. Be in a different environment, feel new surroundings and get some new space to figure things out. Truth: We can try to avoid trade-offs , but we can’t escape them. We have to make a choice. Myth: “If you can fit it in you should fit it in” When faced with tough choices as to whether to commit your effort in one direction and to turn your back on the other, try as much as you can to choose one and to work on it perfectly. Calculate your possible losses and abandon the choice(s) that wil...