Music I Listened To Last Week
I have been going out
of my comfort zone for the past several months and trying to listen to new
types of music just to develop a better understanding of the scope of
music. So far, I have come across lots of good music on and Here is a list of some of the music I've found interesting in
the past two weeks. Kindly comment with your thoughts on my selection and what new
music you’ve listened to yourself in the past two months. (Most of these music
can be found on bandcamp and soundcloud)
Beat Garden Compilation 3 was released by Gergaz Netlabel in 30 January 2013 and is a compilation of abstract beats glitch electronic. |
American-Ghanaian hip hop artist's 12 track album released on April 28, 2014 features artists like Seun Kuti and offers several scenarios of hard times in America as an Afropolitan and how one should go about that. |
Made in Kenya is an album by Kenya's self titled Crown Prince of Benga and has 13 tracks with few collaborations.Today June 3, 2014 means that this album is exactly one year and 2 days old. |
Andre Lodemann, Stimming and Shur-I-Kan kcame together to compile remixes of South African house music hit record Feel It and released this on April 13, 2012.
Released in February 3,2010, OY's record First Box Then Walk is so playfully unpredictable and colorful. |
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Released in March 13, 2014, this record is a compilation of re-edits of Pharrell Williams' number one world hit Happy. |
South African rapper, producer and visionary Spoek Mathambo released this record on 27, August 20121 where he compiled 12 tracks. |
One of South Africa's finest musicians, Thamelo Khomo released this jazzy yet groovy compilation of 12 tracks on November 5, 2012 and is available on bandcamp. |
28 year old singer, songwriter Wynter Gordon dropped the first part of four free EPs titled The Human Condition. Doleo was the first of this four part EP series. |