KISUMU: AFTER OPEN MIC, LETS EMBRACE PROFESSIONALISM IN THE HIP HOP SCENE If you are a hip hop lover in Kisumu it is most likely that you have noticed the huge void there is in the industry (or lack of one) as far as professionalism is concerned. There are no shows to look up to or big concerts that would reward exceptional acts based here. As a result we have seen the careers of many promising artists fizzle out due to the lack of a conducive hip hop scene that would have ensured artists sustain themselves from their artistry while here instead of going to Nairobi to follow their dreams there. And so when a friend informed me last week that there would be a hip hop event at Alliance Francaise titled Hip Hop Alive on July 26th, I got curious to go see how it would unfold. Janeqo Krietiv Mainds, the most prominent arts group in Kisumu has been putting in much effort to keep the arts scene active with events organized fortnightly where visual and voice artists show...