Africa’s Transformative Narrative Part 2: Social Media “I think the Internet is absolutely extraordinary. It's very, very useful and I think one of the things we've got to do is make sure that the African continent gets on to that information super highway. We've got to access this modern technology. I've been saying, for instance, if you put in this infrastructure, you're able then to deliver tele-medicine to a village. In reality, this technology is most useful for poor countries” -- Thabo Mbeki, ex-President of South Africa in a Conversation with BBC News Online Users in 2000 Back in 2011 when Facebook had just 25 million users in Africa, (Facebook’s analysis site) identified Africa as Facebook’s fastest growing market already. Currently, the social media company has close to 52 million users in the whole continent. This number keeps growing daily as more and more people in the continent move up the income ladder and are able to buy bo...